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Flathead Lake

Sailing Story: Edi Stan

As an immigrant from a landlocked country in Eastern Europe to a current resident of a landlocked state within the U.S., sailing wasn’t a likely hobby for Edi Stan to pick up.  “As landlocked creatures all of our lives [my family] wondered how I got into sailing,” Edi laughed. “By a random happening I got…

A Beginner’s Guide to Sailboat Racing

Sailboat racing may seem intimidating, but preparing for your first race is easier than you think! If you’re ready to try sailing competitively this season, here’s everything you need to do before crossing the starting line: Master the Basics American Sailing Association classes help both new and experienced sailors achieve a thorough understanding of sailing…

How Do I Know If Sailing Conditions Are Safe to Set Sail?

No one wants the US Coast Guard or a Search and Rescue team to have to come to their rescue while out on the water! One of the best ways to avoid having to call for emergency help while out on the water is being well aware of the sailing conditions and their implications before…